Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Are we going to live a life defined the culmination of our experiences or are we going to have enough courage to shed the shackles of our past and really embrace who we really are? It seems like an easy question to answer, and it is, but the process application and implications of this decision will challenge us in so many different ways. We are then ultimately responsible and accountable for so much of what and where we are at. This truth often hurts to much to embrace and it creates a belief system that no matter how limiting it is has been our comfortable companion for a very long time. It is built on the tragic failures in our life of so many people through out are lives that we thought loved us. Yes they did fail us sometimes painfully and tragically. Maybe even victimized us. But at whatever age you now sit we must ask how long are we going to allow these memories to define us. Every single one of them is predicated on a lie. The sobering conclusion we usually draw from all of this is that we are flawed an inadequate. This is by far the biggest misconception we Will ever carry around with us. It affects every single fabric of our lives all of our relationships, careers. It also prevents us in so many ways from fully and completely loving and enjoying God because we view ourselves as flawed and unlovable.Every single one of us is precious is perfect in the eyes of our creator. In our imperfection we are perfectly suited for the journey he has planned for us. God wanted me this way in all my messy humanness. He is very fond of me. Take me or leave God loves me just the way i am. " I know the plans i have for you declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jer: 29:11 Read that over and over and pay attention to what your mind says if it reels off a bunch of defeating and negative responses, if fear enters your being. If you start creating a list of conditions that have to be met in order for this to be true. It has revealed that you are stuck in a self created hell that doesn't really allow the true sunlight of the spirit in. You will be prevented from enjoying peace and joy in your life. It's not that it isn't true it's that you will not allow it. That kind of unconditionally loving relationship between a man and a woman will always escape and the longing for it will torment you forever. Courage is not the absence of fear, but it is being afraid and doing it anyways. If you think you will better yourself to a point that you will walk out of the darkness unafraid i believe you will live in the darkness forever. I enjoy that kind of Real Love for the first time in my life. It's messy and complicated, beautiful and amazing. It has brought on a journey were i am constantly trying to reveal and be rid of more and more of me because every time i do i can Love my Princess and Jesus more. Every step has not been easy but every single one of them has been so worthwhile because every part of me yearns desires to love more everyday.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Really can we rise above are circumstances

Really, how easy is it too let outcomes define us Christian or non-christian alike. Employed or unemployed married or unmarried renting or buying new car or old car too hot or too cold, and then the millions of different variations of all that more better, if we lack whatever that means in creeps some flawed barrage of less than deficiencies you can imagine more often than not carried around in secrecy with us willing someone to affirm so false denial of our own self image which we created and have fully reinforced ourselves by the conclusion and perception of our own self created hell. Likely unaware that we have fashioned such a terrible belief we then somehow others around will be able to some how validate our yearning to be loved and different, but they do not stand a chance because will never be released from this prison. So we live in this cycle of compromises and half truths and are constantly running from the conclusion we ourselves have written. I no longer do that at some point thru a failed marriage a finally having come to the end of living a lie, and deciding to be as honest and transparent as i possibly could life changed for me forever. True love does exist i am living it and my princess is four months into a year jail sentence, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit are my constant companions and give me the insight and ability to Love my princess unconditionally and so much more every day i could tell you so many stories and you would likely dismiss me as a fool. If i ever talked to you in person it becomes so much harder to do that because my conviction and sincerity are so real. i am not an idiot but i am In Love and nobody or anything will ever be able to separate my princess from the Love i have for her, we are made in the likeness of God, we will never be able to Love exactly like God does but we can do much better than what most of us settle for, My absolute goal is to love more everyday and by the power of the holy spirit everyday i do.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just keeping active

It has been a little while since i have added anything to my lengthy journey. All is pretty well here my Princess still is in jail, but we are actually growing closer than ever together and in Christ. Recently the holy spirit has become my nearly constant companion. This has made me so much more emotional than i ever thought possible many things around me now touch me very deeply. i have been gifted with insight to the lost condition of so many around me. sometimes the weight of it is hard. The spirit lives and loves every one. i think the concept of Love really prevents so many people from enjoying any real communion with Jesus on any real meaningful level. first there own image is defined by there relationship in there past. they also have a concept of Love that really is about what you get out of any situation. I guess society in general portrays that skewed version of Love. So saddled with a self image reinforced by lost and broken souls and the idea we are waiting for our pay off. Unconditional Love which really is the only description of Love that is true. Is so far out of reach for so many people i see. I have been nicknamed Precious moments because i have been telling so many people that they are precious and perfect just the way they are. with some interesting results a lot of tears from some. some of them you can watch that no matter they will not even consider this possibility. If they could ever shed the shackles of lies that they mask there real beauty then maybe they could accept the love Jesus has for them and then just maybe they could also find that same kind of Love here on earth too. I have it is the most incredible revelation in my life. true love does exist and you can have it all, but you have to Love yourself so that you have the courage to give it all away. Give, give, and give some more. Love never says i have done enough or i will love you if. My payoff is just as much in the giving as it is in the receiving. honesty and transparency are in dispensable and oddly enough everyone is so transparent anyways. there is often some huge agreement because most people are spending so much energy hiding they can't see the apparent transparency in those around them. real freedom is the goal real peace and joy awaits you if you have the courage to reveal all that you are and embrace your God given ability to Love. Yes it is what we are all about anyways but this is maybe the hardest step you will ever take. I pray that you Will have the courage to jump in